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If a bark, growl, or whine of a dog pierces your soul, this journal is for you. While there are no words to describe the love of a dog, it is always fun to try. It is imperative that we write down our feelings about the pooches in our lives. They are such important beings and add so much to our well-being. 


When you open this 100-page book, you will find on the left pages, light lines to keep your prose aligned. At the top will be a word or words to stimulate your thinking. The opposite page is mostly blank for you to sketch, calculate (how much you love your creature,) paste clippings and photographs, maybe even paw prints.


Don't hold back, proudly "put on the dog" and rave, shout, praise to the skies your love for your dog.

Buy on Amazon.

A Dog Lover's Journal

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