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Accepting the challenge to change your lifestyle through dieting can be private, shared with another person or a group effort. This 100-page journal is for you to keep a daily, if not hourly record of your progress. After the initial flush and flourish of embarking on a diet, the monotony and constant test of endurance kicks in. Making the commitment becomes almost the easiest part as you remove old, offensive foods from sight, clean the refrigerator to hold new healthy food choices, and daydream about the goal or outcome.


These journals are to help you through the lengthy, daily internal and external battle of keeping food as nature intended, as fuel to keep energy high and the body healthy. TV, advertising and shopping venues all seem determined to keep you focused on a vast array of food, much of it detrimental and some cases downright dangerous. We are pummeled with offers to try, buy and taste everything from the homey to the exotic. Anybody's resolve would take a beating. So, by writing in your journal you can keep on top of and focused on your mission to lose weight.


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Daily Food Journal - Group Support

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