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   Perhaps you don’t think of yourself as a deep thinker, conjurer, fabricator, or formulator of thoughts and/or grandiose ideas. Stop for a second. Mull it over by considering your day. From the time you awaken you begin establishing ways to creatively solve the day’s requirements by organizing what needs to be done. You assign tasks in order of importance and set the goal of making sure you and all those in your circle stay on track and most importantly — thrive. So, give yourself credit. YOU ARE A DEEP THINKER.

   This new series of 100-page journals will aid your job of organizing each day’s requirements. You can jot ideas in small spurts and commit to paper the many myriad concerns looming. Or you can take short creative breaks each day to just write. You can fill the pages with your thoughts because through the written word, interesting and important things can emerge and crystalize. Prompts in the form of famous quotes on every other page will spark your imagination and you’ll find your journal becoming not just a tool for jotting meanderings and meditations, but a fast and supportive friend.


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Deep Thinking In Small Doses - About Friends

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