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If you have children, you've probably, at times turned into an overbearing authority figure (aka witch.)


These 100 pages, lightly lined journal is for you to tell it to the page and keep your wrath from raining onto others. Of course, we always temper our dictates and commands with words of love and encouragement and there's a lot of space to write about that, too.


All the pages have words or phrases at the top to prompt writing in this journal. Many of them will sound familiar because they echo what parents from the beginning of time have said. When you hear the words, you heard growing up spilling out of your own mouth jot it down. Tell what was said and what provoked it. Teachable moments come all the time and our words, while sometimes harsh or commanding show love.


Write often and keep the filled book to give your son or daughter sometime in the future. Perhaps when they have kids of their own.


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Do As I Say Journal

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