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Fortunately, we can fast-forward into spring by getting a blooming plant to put in a pretty container for the windowsill. Viewing it offers hope that the days will pass in a hurry.


We can think ahead in this 100-page journal and make plans for our first trip outside with trowel on the left side pages that are lightly lined. We can deliberate and calculate about all matters of the garden on the opposite pages which are blank.


Help make the time pass faster by writing in this journal. Get a wide range of colored pencils and markers and make sketches, draw diagram, make lists and fill your heart and mind with bright colors by just decorating the blank pages. Time will pass and soon you can savor the sunshine and be glad for dirty hands.


Gardening time will be here. Paste empty seed packets and keep plant tags in one place by fixing them onto the blank pages. Happy spring!


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Spring Journal - Gardening Shed

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